What Is 5G Network Slicing? The ideal way for operators to create and operate a network that matches and transcends the changing needs of a broad range of customers is through network slicing. The 5G architecture’s dependence on 5G network slicing is undoubtedly among its most innovative features because it will enable operators to
A Complete Guide to Predictive Maintenance and Operation Machines tend to malfunction, and it can be difficult to tell when they will break down. Fortunately, modern technologies, sensors, and the Internet of Things (IoT) allow companies to predict when a machine or piece of equipment might malfunction or break down completely. This is made
TTG International LTD has once again proved its research and developer spirit in genetics by taking part in two major research conducted throughout Turkey within the scope of its R&D studies in the field of telecommunications and IT management software (OSS) and its 2021 activities. According to the research prepared by Turkishtime on “R&D
Network Monitoring Tips and Tricks Meta description: Looking to integrate network monitoring into your organization? Have a look at some tips and tricks for network monitoring and the advantages of doing so. Meta keywords: network monitoring 11 Top Network Monitoring Tips and Tricks Image Text: An image featuring computer codes showing on a system Alt-Text:
Haberleşme Teknolojileri Kümelenmesi (HTK) firmalarından TTG International’ın, Türk Telekom mühendislerinin de desteğiyle geliştirdiği GEMS-FAMAN platformu, Türk Telekom şebekesinde ticari olarak kullanılmaya başlandı İSTANBUL (AA) – Türk Telekom, müşterilerine yüksek performanslı şebeke servisleri sunmak üzere GEMS-FAMAN Platformu’nu hayata geçirdi. Türk Telekom’dan yapılan açıklamaya göre, Haberleşme Teknolojileri Kümelenmesi (HTK) firmalarından TTG International’ın, Türk Telekom mühendislerinin de desteğiyle
TTG’s is an AI-powered ABID-Cognitive Core Performance Management dashboard that automatically detects anomalies and provides a complete overview of network health. — News:18.03.2022 We’re so excited to be collaborating with Vodafone Turkey! To help monitor their networks more effectively, we’ve created TTG’s ABID-CIMP – the AI-based Core network monitoring system. It has advanced capabilities, like
NEWS 16.02.2022 Faster Development & Greater Business Agility in IT &Telco. TTG launches low code Visual Rule Editor Modeller for Faster Development & Greater Business Agility in IT &Telco. Businesses often have to write an extensive list of rules. The more decisions, the more time it takes to write, review, and update them. For example,