K’CELL Signs with TTG International TTG International to speed provisioning and enchancing services to customer base for Kazakhstan GSM giant Leading Kazakhstan GSM operator K’CELL completes first phase of OSS, upgrade. TTG International, the market leader in OSS-tools automation for telecommunications companies, today announced the successful implementation of its T-TOMS platform at K’CELL. K’CELL is
Şebeke Transmisyon Yönetimi NET-TRANS Günümüzde Telekomünikasyon hizmet sağlayıcılarının transmisyon verilerinin doğru envanter kayıtlarının tutulması ve planlanması ile düşürülebilecek olan yüksek ekipman ve işçilik maliyetleri söz konusudur. Bunun yanında, Telekomünikasyon işletmecileri şebeke yatırımlarını etkin bir şekilde, daha cazip fiyatlar sunabilecek şekilde yapmalıdırlar. Güvenilir, şebeke transmisyon otomasyon, planlama ve envanter çözümleri gereklidir. Bu açıdan, telekomünikasyon piyasasının artan
TTG International LTD has announces a new products. Business Work Flow (TBWF) Management. Business Workflow (TBWF) is acknowledged in the industry for facilitating powerful and flexible process automation. Business Work Flow (TBWF) Management. Successful enterprises depend on their business processes to coordinate the delivery of products and services. As in all business in telecom business
TTG International LTD has been chosen as the supplier of Digital Recording and Central Archiving technology for Court Systems of the North Cyprus, High Court. Istanbul, Türkiye – October 10, 2003 – The shift to digital audio recording systems in courtrooms around the world took another step forward today when the court system of High
TTG’s M-MAS/C-CAS, Central-Court Archiving Software solution that provides a archived facilities for all the necessary documentations about the court case, including digitally recorded voices from the FTR product and able to do all the necessary links to recorded voice from the text notes or judge notes. Also, M-MAS/C-CAS is able to get data from personal