WORLDCOB Trust Seal Certification
“WORLDCOB is an international business organization that has worked tirelessly on behalf of the business world for 10 years. Founded in the city of Houston, Texas, USA, in 2004, its main mission is to promote business development around the world, recognizing and encouraging the growth of companies and business leaders in each country, through essential tools and services for its members. With more than 3,000 members representing more than 130 countries, WORLDCOB plays a crucial role in driving global business success.”
Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business, and at TTG International we understand its significance which successful partnerships are built upon. Therefore, we are proud to announce that we have been awarded the WORLDCOB Trust Seal Certification, a mark of trustworthiness and reliability in the business world.
Our commitment to ethical business practices, transparency, and a customer-centric approach has earned us this remarkable distinction. When you choose to collaborate with TTG International, you can have full confidence that you are partnering with an organization that has undergone rigorous evaluation and adheres to the stringent criteria set by WORLDCOB.
Earning the WORLDCOB Trust Seal Certification is not just an achievement; it's a testament to our dedication to maintaining the highest levels of trust and credibility in every facet of our operations. We will continue to prioritize trust and integrity in all our business endeavors, ensuring that our clients and partners receive nothing but the best from us.
WORLDCOB Business Excellence Certification
“WORLDCOB is a globally recognized organization headquartered in Houston, Texas, dedicated to promoting business development and recognizing outstanding achievements in the corporate world. With its commitment to fostering international collaboration and celebrating excellence With more than 3,000 members representing more than 130 countries, WORLDCOB has become a prominent authority in the realm of business accolades and certifications.”
At TTG International, our pursuit of excellence aligns seamlessly with the values championed by WORLDCOB. We are honored to have received the coveted Business Excellence Certification from a globally recognized authority of the business world.
WORLDCOB Business Ecellence Certification signifies our unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier products/services and our steadfast focus on customer satisfaction. It stands as a testament to our consistent efforts in maintaining the highest standards of quality, innovation, and ethical business practices in a competitive global market.
Our journey to attaining the Business Excellence Award has been marked by dedication, visionary leadership, and the relentless pursuit of perfection by our entire team. This recognition reinforces our resolve to continue pushing the boundaries of excellence in everything we do.

Turkcell & TTG were named finalists for TM Forum's Excellence Awards 2021 in the Human Factor category.
Click here to learn more

Oracle Business Partner Award-2014

TTG Int. LTD continues to contribute to Turkey’s technological accumulation by reaching the final of the 9th Technology Awards. It was announced to the public with the participation of TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Nüket Yetiş, TTGV Board Chairman Dr. Fikret Yücel, and TÜSİAD Board Chairman Ümit Boyner at a press conference held on November 24, 2010. The aim of the Technology Awards is to encourage institutions that contribute to our national technological accumulation in order to position Turkey as a country producing technology. It aims to encourage companies that put their signatures under success by bringing their success stories to the public agenda, creating awareness in society about research, technology development and innovation and inspiring other companies to act.
The University-Industry Cooperation Centers Platform (ÜSİMP) is a platform established following the closure of the TÜBİTAK ÜSAM (University-Industry Joint Research Centers) Program in 2006 by the decision of the TÜBİTAK Science Board, which was launched in 1997. The Centers established under the TÜBİTAK ÜSAM program, which currently operate as associations or company legal entities as university-industry interfaces and are the founders of ÜSİMP, are listed below in alphabetical order:
Adana ÜSAM - Adana University-Industry Joint Research Center Association and R&D Economic Enterprise.
BİYOMEDTEK - Biomedical Technologies Center Association.
ODAGEM - Ostim Middle East Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technologies R&D Center Inc.
OTAM (ITU Automotive Research Center, OTAM Inc.)
SAM - Ceramic Research Center Inc.
TTV - Turkish Textile Foundation (as a founding partner of TAM Textile Research Center)
In addition to education, teaching, and research activities in our universities, the aim of ÜSİMP is to promote the production of new technologies and the transfer of these technologies to society, particularly to our national industry. It also aims to contribute to the transformation of the industrial sector from a structure that imports and uses technology to a structure that produces and exports advanced technology and collaborates effectively with universities, and has high competitiveness.
YASAD, the Software Industrialists Association, was established in 1992 with the aim of representing the Turkish software and information technology sector, increasing the country's software market, exports, and employment in the sector. The association leads the definition and updating of our national goals and priorities in software and information technologies. It carries out active, results-oriented, and sustainable projects and activities and creates technology platforms to achieve our national goals. YASAD supports innovation, creativity, and competitiveness, serving the globalization of our national economy. It helps modernize all sectors from production to energy while ensuring the effective functioning of our public sector. It develops projects as a communication and coordination center between our government institutions, public institutions, NGOs, universities, trade and industry chambers, all industrial sectors, and industrial organizations to solve sectoral problems based on information technologies and increase sectoral productivity by increasing the usage of information technologies.
The Electrical and Electronics Exporters' Association (TET) is a professional organization that supports its members' export activities. It was established on 02.09.1991 by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Turkey and has over 6,500 members. It carries out its activities under the umbrella of İMMİB and is affiliated with the Ministry of Trade.
The General Secretariat of the Service Exporters' Association was established in Istanbul by the Ministry of Trade in February 2021. It works with sector committees to create a service export strategy and propose solutions to sectoral problems. Workshops and training sessions are held to determine sectoral strategies for service exports, and trade-buying delegations, fairs, and events are organized to help member firms find counterparts and gain experience in the international market. The association engages in various activities, including support mechanisms for sub-sectors, green passports for exporters, and cooperation activities with public institutions and organizations. It also prepares reports, organizes events, and conducts PR, corporate identity, media, and social media activities.
Since its establishment, Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) has continued its activities with the power it derives from the contributions of its members to the country's economy. With more than 22,000 members, ISO is the largest industrial chamber in Turkey and one of the strongest representatives of Turkish industry.
The share of value added created by ISO members in Turkey's industrial sector is 35.9%. ISO members are responsible for 32.7% of Turkey's industrial production, and their share of employment in the Turkish industrial sector is 29%.
In terms of employment size, 78.8% of ISO members are small-scale enterprises (with less than 50 employees), 18.8% are medium-sized enterprises (with 50 to 249 employees), and 2.5% are large-scale enterprises (with 250 or more employees).
The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce is a large and well-established organization with 700,000 members. Its goal is to help Turkey and its members become a regional power that can direct global political and economic developments in their own interest, taking a larger share in international trade. The Chamber recognizes that solving private sector problems, improving Turkey's international competitiveness, and providing a secure and stable development environment for the country's economy are crucial. Its mission is to develop Turkey and its members, and become a global power that can direct international political and economic developments in its own interest. The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce promotes trade, small industry, and service sectors, creates new markets abroad, and identifies and acts to remove barriers to the development of the business world. The Chamber protects professional ethics and solidarity, informs the public, and cooperates with professional, scientific, social, and cultural organizations to ensure the country's development and create change. The Chamber has a member-oriented service approach that involves fulfilling duties given by law, providing education and information activities to give members a local-to-global strategy and perspective, and protecting the commercial rights and interests of its members. Since 1882, the Chamber has been dedicated to the economic and commercial life that aims for development and enlightenment throughout Turkey. It has become a leading institution of the Turkish economy, spreading as a commercial ecologist to the whole world.