Friday, 13 January 2023 / Published in Blog
  5G is the newest telecom technology expected to transform many industries. A revolutionary era where the material is no longer accessed via 2D screens but instead intuitive 3D settings appear to have begun as a result of strong 5G networks, innovative extended reality (XR) gadgets, and Metaverse applications.   While higher data speeds were
Thursday, 12 January 2023 / Published in Blog
Mobile network operation and maintenance (O&M) is an important aspect of mobile telecommunications, as it helps to ensure that the network is reliable and efficient for users. The main goal of O&M is to maintain a high level of quality of service (QoS) by monitoring the performance of the network, identifying, and resolving issues, and
Tuesday, 10 January 2023 / Published in Blog
Net zero is a term that is used to describe the goal of balancing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by an organization, country, or the world with an equivalent amount of greenhouse gas emissions removed from the atmosphere. The term is typically used in the context of climate change and reducing the amount
Monday, 09 January 2023 / Published in Blog
The Role of Metaphor and Analogy in Creativity, Science, and Art Metaphor and analogy are powerful tools that are used in a variety of fields, including creativity, science, and art. These tools allow us to understand and communicate complex ideas and concepts in a more accessible and relatable way and are an important part of
Wednesday, 04 January 2023 / Published in Blog
        Top Trends in Telecommunication for 2023 The year 2022 was a breakthrough for the telecom sector. This industry experienced enormous growth thanks to the introduction of 5G and the growing popularity of artificial intelligence. With 2023 rapidly approaching, the development of new technologies and marketing strategies is accelerating. The Internet of
Monday, 02 January 2023 / Published in Blog
TTG International LTD is proud to announce that it has obtained ISO 14001 certification. This internationally recognized standard demonstrates the company’s commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.   Through the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS), TTG International has demonstrated its ability to systematically identify and control its environmental impacts, prevent pollution, and continually
Thursday, 29 December 2022 / Published in Blog
“Exciting news! My new book, “Observability & Monitoring In DevOps: A Guide for Newbies,” is now available on Kindle, thanks to the sponsorship of TTG Int. LTD. This book is designed for those new to the field of DevOps, and covers everything you need to know about observability and monitoring in this fast-paced environment. From
Saturday, 24 December 2022 / Published in Blog
What does it means GoS for the cellular network from Traffic, resource and GoS perspective? Traffic refers to the amount of data or communication activity on the network at a given time. It is typically measured in terms of volume (the total amount of data transmitted) or density (the amount of traffic relative to the
Wednesday, 21 December 2022 / Published in Blog
Tuesday, 06 December 2022 / Published in Blog
Maintaining table definitions, connections and business rules can be a challenge as they are often small but critical details. Hard coding them in every program only increases the maintenance burden and can likely introduce inconsistencies if you do not organize it properly. Keeping all your data in a Rules Engine instead of each individual application

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