NEWS 21.09.2021 PAGETEL- Providing infrastructure services to ASELSAN, ROKETSAN and HAVELSAN, which are among the pioneers of the defense industry in Turkey. As a subcontractor of PAGETEL, TTG has been developed, tested, and delivered the KHAS and RLAS softwares. About the EIRS- Software Supported Radio Link Shelter for Portable Early Warning Radar Systems.
NEWS 01.07.2021 Istanbul—July 01, 2021—TTG International today announced that they have been named as a finalist in TM Forum’s Excellence Awards 2021. TTG International and Turkcell were recognized in the Autonomous Operations category for the SYNERGY™ product. “SYNERGY™ helps operators to have the infrastructure at the best cost and to operate on zero touch basis without compromising the service quality as a smart energy management
TTG International and Turkcell Shortlisted for TM Forum Excellence Awards 2021 TM Forum’s prestigious awards recognizes the organizations making a significant contribution to the acceleration of digital transformation throughout the industry Istanbul—May 20, 2021—TTG International today announced that they are a nominee in TM Forum’s Excellence Awards 2021. TTG International and Turkcell were recognized in the
TURKCELL SYNERGY Turkcell starts using TTG’s SYNERGY™ , Smart Energy Management System, across its fixed and mobile networks. The SYNERGY™ is located at OSS layer and basically pulls all energy infrastructure related FCAPS information from multiple vendor devices and creates a single platform to help operators optimizing infrastructure OPEX and CAPEX costs and brings operational
Turk Telekom chooses TTG’s “domestic and national” solution FAMAN for basic monitoring, installation and configuration of all network devices such as switches, routers, access points, firewalls located in Turk Telekom environment. With this project, TTG will carry out analysis, design, development, installation and integration and testing activities of Turk Telekom’s legacy monitoring systems and will replace products such
ENIMA system has been successfully deployed to Vodafone Turkey Network! It is designed to manage Inventory of Energy and Infrastructure system equipment in telecommunication networks. ENIMA will be assisting planning, rollout, inventory and reporting processes of +25,000 sites and +400,000 nodes with features such as field-based monitoring, reporting/discovering all infrastructure and capabilities of sites with inventory information and analyzing business related data.
TTG is proud to share the news of its latest ISO 9001:2015 certification. TTG certification upgraded from ISO 9001:2015 of the year 2018 to the latest ISO 9001:2015 of 2020 demonstrates the involvement and contribution of its leadership team and its organization toward continuous quality system improvement. We are extremely proud of our achievement and will strive
TM Forum Digital Transformation ASIA We as TTG International Ltd have had a fantastic week in Kuala Lumpur the last 12-14 NOVEMBER 2019 during the TM Forum Digital Transformation event, our participation at the Wirtschaftswunder leveraging 5G for Industry 4.0 project was successfully completed through a fantastic collaboration teamwork with Infosys, Nokia and British Telecom. The phase
Top News
The “Satellite Services Consultancy Agreement” between #Türksat A.Ş AND TTG International was signed by Dr. Selman Demirel, Deputy General Manager of Satellite Services, and Emine Beyaz, CEO of TTG International,
The “Satellite Services Consultancy Agreement” between #Türksat A.Ş AND TTG International was signed by Dr. Selman Demirel, Deputy General Manager of Satellite Services, and Emine Beyaz, CEO of TTG International, ...According to the results of the research, TTG Int. once again has been among the Turkey 2021 Top 500 IT companies.
TTG International is a company that provides its clients with advanced technology solutions to help them grow their business. They have been recognized as one of the top 500 IT companies in Turkey and are proud to be among the future-oriented companies driving innovation in Turkey. ...AR-GE 250
TTG International LTD has once again proved its research and developer spirit in genetics by taking part in two major research conducted throughout Turkey within the scope of its R&D studies in the field of telecommunications and IT management software (OSS) and its 2021 activities. According to the research prepared by Turkishtime on ...Türk Telekom’dan yerli şebeke gözlem platformu
Haberleşme Teknolojileri Kümelenmesi (HTK) firmalarından TTG International’ın, Türk Telekom mühendislerinin de desteğiyle geliştirdiği GEMS-FAMAN platformu, Türk Telekom şebekesinde ticari olarak kullanılmaya başlandı İSTANBUL (AA) – Türk Telekom, müşterilerine yüksek performanslı şebeke servisleri sunmak üzere GEMS-FAMAN Platformu̵...