The first phase of Turkey’s national 5G network project, initiated by Information and Communication Technologies Authority, was officially presented to public and authorities at an event hosted by Turkcell and supported by Turk Telekom and Vodafone. During this event 5G network components such as – Core – Switch/Router – Element Management System (vTEM by TTG
Engineers at TTG International have released a research paper on “Anomaly detection and Classification in Cellular Networks” after many months of hard work. The publication is featured on Procedia Computer Science journal by Elsevier in Volume 140, 2018. You can read the paper at Below is the abstract from the paper: Anomaly Detection (AD)
TG announced today that Vodafone Turkey has decided to expand the existing NORTH-I/ABID system to collect performance data from its DWDM network. The system will collect performance data from the accepted industry-standard KPIs into the AI based NORTH-I/ABID system. CTO of TTG International LTD, Mehmet Beyaz, said “The NORTH-I/ABID ability to provided fast, accurate reports on the network’s
We are excited to announce that TTG International has officially become part of and signed 5G and Microwave Radios OSS in addition to Service Quality Management (SQM) development for HTK Turkey. 17 HTK member companies with various R&D activities in the telecommunication sector have combined their powers in order to convert all communication systems as
We are proud to announce that TTG International will be a part of the Agile OSS for New Age Services with the Catalyst Project which will be presented in the TM Forum Digital Transformation World in Nice-France between 14 -16 may 2018. For more information please visit the website
TTG International LTD and CIT Software LTD have been announced as the winner of the TeSBIT bid at the BTHK of the Northern Cyprus. TeSBİT is (Telsiz Sistemleri Başvuru, İzinlendirme ve Takibi (TeSBİT)” (Management System for Wireless Communication) a software for managing of wireless communication companies’ requests for the radio links, new base stations establishment
We are proud to announce that TTG has signed off the Business Partnership Protocol with İTÜNOVA Teknoloji A.Ş., i2i Bilişim Danışmanlık A.Ş. and ORKİDE Bilişim Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti. on 12 January 2017 and is now a part of the ITUCELL Project. The aim of the project is to develop EPC / Tactical LTE network with
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The “Satellite Services Consultancy Agreement” between #Türksat A.Ş AND TTG International was signed by Dr. Selman Demirel, Deputy General Manager of Satellite Services, and Emine Beyaz, CEO of TTG International,
The “Satellite Services Consultancy Agreement” between #Türksat A.Ş AND TTG International was signed by Dr. Selman Demirel, Deputy General Manager of Satellite Services, and Emine Beyaz, CEO of TTG International, ...According to the results of the research, TTG Int. once again has been among the Turkey 2021 Top 500 IT companies.
TTG International is a company that provides its clients with advanced technology solutions to help them grow their business. They have been recognized as one of the top 500 IT companies in Turkey and are proud to be among the future-oriented companies driving innovation in Turkey. ...AR-GE 250
TTG International LTD has once again proved its research and developer spirit in genetics by taking part in two major research conducted throughout Turkey within the scope of its R&D studies in the field of telecommunications and IT management software (OSS) and its 2021 activities. According to the research prepared by Turkishtime on ...Türk Telekom’dan yerli şebeke gözlem platformu
Haberleşme Teknolojileri Kümelenmesi (HTK) firmalarından TTG International’ın, Türk Telekom mühendislerinin de desteğiyle geliştirdiği GEMS-FAMAN platformu, Türk Telekom şebekesinde ticari olarak kullanılmaya başlandı İSTANBUL (AA) – Türk Telekom, müşterilerine yüksek performanslı şebeke servisleri sunmak üzere GEMS-FAMAN Platformu̵...