Thursday, 08 April 2010 / Published in Blog
Wednesday, 13 January 2010 / Published in Blog
Huawei, Vodafone Türkiye’nin Single-RAN (2G) şebekesinin performans ölçüm ve yönetimi için, TTG Uluslararası’nın NORTH-I çözümünü seçti. NORTH-I, Vodafone Türkiye tarafından Multi Vendor 2G, 2.5G ve 3g (2G ve 3g Huawei,T2000, 2g ve 3g Nokia, Motorola, NEC) performans mühendisliği için kullanılacak. NORTH-I’ın Vodafone Türkiye’ye şebeke Ölçümleme, şebeke Performansı Optimizasyonu, şebeke izleme ve Performans Bildirim hizmetlerini tek bir platform üzerinden sağlayacak. NORTH-I tarafından oluşturulacak güçlü
Wednesday, 04 November 2009 / Published in Blog
Oracle Day 2009, 04.11.2009 TTGs’ Telecommunication presentation “NORTH-I, Performance Management and Oracle” Join us at Swiss Hotel-Istanbul, between 15:20-15:50.
Tuesday, 03 November 2009 / Published in Blog
NORTH-I Single-RAN project   TTG International LTD is happy to announce that it’s Performance Measurement Management Solution ‘NORTH-I’ has been selected by Huawei for Vodafone Turkey to manage the performance of their Single-RAN 2g in combination with Umts Network. In addition, NORTH-I will also be used to deliver fully integrated Multi Vendor 2G, 2.5G and 3g performance engineering across Vodafone Turkey.  
Wednesday, 15 July 2009 / Published in Blog
NDAPT in most comprehensive, network Dimensioning analysis and planning tool in the market. The Core Network Dimensioning Analysis and Planning Tool (NDAPT) system, offers a complete solution for all stages of core network design and analysis. Managing a telecommunication network is a challenge requiring careful balance. Operators must continue to maximize the network’s capacity and service revenues while minimizing
Friday, 19 June 2009 / Published in Blog
TTG International Ltd. a global supplier of Oss to Telco service providers, has launched renewed Fault Management product, the FAMAN V2.00. The new release features a next generation Oss tools with trouble ticket integer that leverages the new Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 technology to enable the most efficient network management. The products are redesigned to handle the intensive usage
Friday, 17 April 2009 / Published in Blog
TTG International LTD & Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0.TTG International LTD, a global supplier of Operations Support Systems (OSS) to Telecommunication.  
Friday, 17 April 2009 / Published in Blog
TTG International LTD is happy to announce that it’s Performance Measurement Management Solution ‘NORTH-I’ has been selected by Huawei for Vodafone Turkey to manage the performance of their Umts Network. In addition, NORTH-I will also be used to deliver fully integrated Multi Vendor 2G, 2.5G and 3g performance engineering across Vodafone Turkey. NORTH-I will be used by Vodafone Turkey
Tuesday, 17 February 2009 / Published in Blog
Leased Line Management (LLM) Günümüzde Telekomünikasyon hizmet sağlayıcılarının, transmisyon verilerinin doğru envanter kayıtları tutulmasıyla ve planlanması ile düşürülebilecek olan yüksek ekipman ve işçilik maliyetleri söz konusudur. Bunun yanında, Telekomünikasyon işletmecileri şebeke yatırımlarını etkin bir şekilde, daha cazip fiyatlar sunabilecek şekilde yapmalıdırlar. Güvenilir, şebeke transmisyon otomasyon, planlama ve envanter çözümleri gereklidir. Bu açıdan, telekomünikasyon piyasasının artan
Saturday, 10 January 2009 / Published in Blog
TTG Int. LTD has won a contract from Vodafone TR to do the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), collecting external alarms/information as well as reset equipment remotely. With this Project Vodafone will able to monitor, report and control its’ sites assets as well as increase the site security, fault & alarms diagnostic where they will able

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