The Evolution of Telecommunication: From 1G to 5G One of the key technologies in advancing development has been telecommunication and connectivity. Without these means of data transfer and connection, we would likely still be living in a time when technology wasn’t as sophisticated as it is now. Since the first-generation mobile network was launched
1G2G3G4G5g5G and future5G difference5G effects on society and future5G efficiency5G transformationadvances in wireless telecommunications technologycommunication technology revolution and evolutionencoding and encryptionfirst available communication technology (1G)first launch of 5Gfrom 1G to 5Gglobal operating support systems (OSS) solutionshistorical advances in telecommunicationshistory of communication technologiesInternational Mobile Telephone 2000 (IMT- 2000) StandardInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) and 3Gtechnology revolutiontelecommunicationstelecommunications development
Minimize multi-vendor and multi-technology network complexities while maximizing quality of service levels while reducing the OPEX. Maintaining and improving Quality of Service is an imperative task of day to day operational activities. As technology rapidly evolves to 4G and beyond, operators are struggle with both legacy and new generation systems to ensure that both are
4Gautomated solutiondetecting hidden network configurationmobile operatorsmulti-technology operatorsmulti-vendor operatorsmultiple data sourcesnetwork complexitiesnetwork configurationnetwork configuration solutionnetwork consistencynetwork inconsistency identificationnetwork insightsnetwork systemsnew generationOperating Support Systems (OSS) ProviderOSS Solutionsquality of servicereducing OPEXro-active network managementtelecommunicationsvalue-added Operating Support Systems (OSS) tools and solutions